So many people were dressed up and willing to get their pictures taken, which for me was a plus because I love dressing up AND taking pictures! *audience applauds
Whether you dressed up as a little white bunny, a dead bride, or even a giant pair of boobs (which is very popular in the college atmosphere) Halloween in Bloomsburg was AWESOME!
Here is Ryu from street fighter and a random Ralph in the background.
I couldn't take any more pictures of him for fear of his muscles exploding from sheer awesomeness.
Some first week friends from Elwell being gorgeous!
In front of the Commons looking sweet
Our little white bunny and Mario. Mario kept trying to level up so it was very difficult to get a non-blurry picture of him. I have five photos of a red and blue blur in mid air though so that's something? Modern art some could say.
The gloves stay on for pictures
But come off for duels!
I don't know if he wants to arrest me or whip me.
Saw these ladies hanging from the tree and taking goofy pictures and just had to get in and get a shot! So cool!