Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hello, my name is LOST


    With college move-in swinging around the corner like a bat out of hell I'll be running here and there and buying this and that with very little time to drop in and say "hey look at me!". *dances to get attention*
 My blog will be blowing up once I'm settled in and starting class because "small-town Bloomsburg" still seems to be a very big difference compared to "small-town Old Forge".

Here's something interesting for all of the Old Forgers reading this. NO ONE AT BLOOMSBURG KNOWS WHERE OLD FORGE IS. That's right, regardless of our advances in Varsity Football and our Lady Devils we are virtually off the map for these Bloomsburgers.<----- hehe Bloomsburgers.

The only way the students and faculty know Old Forge is as, "Oh, that place ten minutes from Scranton."

They don't even know about our pizza! Trust me... I tried.
Apparently round, white pizza is equivalent to the great dinosaur extinction.

My Italian heritage was like the little devil on my shoulder that said, "they don't know about our culture give them a swift crack to the jugular and run away!", but the angle on my shoulder said, "Don't do that because then you won't be able to eat the pulled pork and beans they have set out for lunch."

I'm still trying to figure Bloomsburg out so everything you hear from me is an outsiders opinion. 

Today was my scheduled orientation day.

Here was my expected over-all anxiety scale. 

But in reality it was only nerve-wracking when I first arrived. Mom and Dad were tired, I was a walking zombie, and we didn't know what was going to happen or who we were going to meet next. New places, new faces, new everything. Everything was all very different for little miss Amber Allegrucci who thinks walking up the road to buy ice cream is a wild safari adventure in itself.

I waited in line and received a name tag in one of the many older but beautiful buildings. Bloomsburg is very good with windows. Big, bright, and open windows made me feel a little less dead from the four hours of sleep I got the previous night. (I'm a mid-night writer leave me alone!)

After check-in we took pictures for our soon-to-be Bloom I.D.

The girl in front of me was much more prepared than I was for those pictures, I could tell you that for sure. I thought they were going to bring the fan out to woosh her hair around a bit. 

(Yo check out my artistic talent.)
Breakfast was full of doughnuts and fruit which are my favorite things so bonus points to the servers and organizers for that. I love you even though I don't know you.

The event that stuck out the most in the day was the opening/ kick-off of the day. The very first speaker was one of the most helpful and down-to-earth people I have ever heard speak. She was super nice and super informative on my part. Her name was Mrs. Kristen Austin and she made me feel very at home in my new surroundings.

She is the Assistant Director and Coordinator of New Student Orientation and you can find her contact information by clicking  here. If you are a new student or need a little help to get in the swing of things I recommend calling her 100%. She will work with you as will the rest of the Bloomsburg staff to find out what is most comfortable to you and your needs.

Then it was off to here and there. I learned about my major and what I will be studying which was interesting. I shook hands with the Dean of my department and talked to my professor, who was also extremely helpful.

I met a lot of new people who were mostly from different parts of the east coast which was pretty cool. Not too far from home but far enough to be different and exciting.

The community surrounding Bloomsburg is my only complaint but only because I'm a city girl. I like big and shocking tehe while Bloomsburg is more small and grassland-y.
However! New York is just about an hour away so hopping in a car with the friends and taking off to the city for the day wouldn't be a bad idea!

Please keep this is mind though. You will find more trees in Bloomsburg than people. It's very calming and serene so studying and meeting new people wouldn't be a problem but don't expect flashing lights and Broadway scenes.

This will be my new home for a while so I guess it's time for me to get used to it but do expect me to be a sobbing mess about a month in when the laundry starts piling up and I miss Mommy and Daddy. That will be me without a doubt.

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