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My mind is anything but subtle. It works all day and then crashes and burns at night, but sometimes those flames set off some sparks that start to give me ideas and stories and thoughts that wouldn't have come up at any other time.
Recently I've been overcoming something. A personal matter that I will keep personal. It's something that I've always really had trouble talking about and always will. This matter just weighs on my mind at all times. Of course, this has become a problem and what's the best way for me to overcome my problems? Writing.
Reading and writing are the only things that I hold dear to me. They are mine. I created them. My stories, my characters, and my world all created by me. I could write anything about anyone at anytime. It's a personal way of distributing power to,well... myself.
Oh ,you're making fun of me because of a zit? Guess who just signed themselves up for a ten chapter long story about a girl who has zits from her head to her toes?
Whats that? My hair looks like a mop? Well I just scribbled you in as the girl who mops the floors at a five star hotel that I own. You missed a stop, hehe
So as you can tell certain things can lighten a persons mood. I'm going to try this. No, I'm going to do this.
I'm going to start writing. I'll start today, November of 2012, and finish in five years, November of 2017.
By then I will be just about 23. I will publish my writings.
This writings will not be fiction. They will have meaning and will branch out into even more stories. This is going to be a project that I swear will succeed. There is no ands,ifs, or buts. This is going to happen. I don't care if I sell one book, or two, or ten. Hell I could sell one book and that being to myself and I still wouldn't care. This story has to be told. Now all we have to do is wait.